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Arizona Athletic Grounds

AAG is a 320-acre, world-class family sports and entertainment park. This one-of-a-kind park features 24 soccer fields, a 5,500-seat outdoor stadium, an indoor arena, 23 futsal courts, a 15,000-seat amphitheater, a 17,000 sq ft restaurant, and bar and so much more. We are delighted to be able to partner with Arizona Athletic Grounds and elevate DCT to the next level. To take a quick tour of the park and all of the facilities on offer please click here.

6321 S Ellsworth Rd, Mesa, AZ 85212

For the AAG field map please click here
For the AAG parking map please
click here.


Athletes do not require wristbands. However, all spectators will be subject to a $8.75 entry fee including taxes and fees. Please note that players, coaches, team managers, and children aged 10 and under are exempt from this fee. We recommend purchasing tickets in advance at the provided link to streamline entry.

To ensure a smooth and hassle-free entry, we highly recommend purchasing tickets in advance.

Arizona Athletic Grounds will be very busy this weekend. Please review the parking map above to see the designated ingress and egress areas. We highly recommend arriving at AAG eastbound via Ellsworth Road. Mesa PD will be monitoring traffic flow at Ellsworth and AZ-24. Lots 5,6,7 will be the main parking areas for the soccer fields.

Ticket link:  AAG Admission
Parking at AAG:  AAG Parking

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